Press Releases for motivational books

  • 778

    New Inspirational “How To” Book for Aspiring Women Leaders

    Women make up 50% of the total workforce, yet only 15% of women are employed as corporate officers and occupy only 3% of CEO seats in Fortune 500 companies.

    By : | 09-07-2010 | Society:Society | Total Views : 778

  • 834

    Motivational Books

    The motivational books by Dr. Luigi Carlo De Micco have been made available online. offers you with uplifting thoughts and successful ways. The books are effective and help you experience a positive impact in your life.

    By : | 01-31-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 834

  • 855

    Inspiring Women’s Martha Forlines Interviews Rachel Russell of AT&T

    Martha Forlines, co-author of an inspirational book for women, included wisdom from 22 successful women leaders in her recently released “laser” book. Now, in addition, she is interviewing several of these women leaders during the on-going Inspiring Women teleseminar series.

    By : | 11-29-2010 | Society:Society | Total Views : 855

  • 726

    Inspiring Women’s Martha Forlines Interviews Jacqui Welch of TBS

    The World Economic Forum reported in 2009, that girls and women make up one half of the world’s population.

    By : | 11-03-2010 | Society:Society | Total Views : 726